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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vote Results (Week 8)

Online Dating limits the relationship with a society. Do you agree?

According to the analysis, 14% of the voters have agreed that Online Dating limits the relationship with a society whereas 57% percent of the voters feel otherwise and the remaining 29% of the voters feel uncertain.

The majority of the voters have disagreed that Online Dating limits the relationship with a society. The reason many people disagreed could be because society today are more open minded to this topic. They do not feel it affects the relationship between an individual and a society. It does not mean that people who date online will not socialize with others just because they sit in front of the computer and chat with another. Everyone has their own way of socializing and even chatting online is a way of socializing as there is interaction with one another.

14% of the voters have agreed that Online Dating limits the relationship with a society. The reason these voters agreed about this could possibly be because they feel the person who dates online does not get to talk so much with the outside world. Well, they are definitely forgetting that the person on the other side of the computer is also a person and they are also socializing in a way. The only difference is in the way of socializing which is chatting online.

29% of the voters felt uncertain to whether or not Online Dating limits the relationship with a society. Well, hopefully they know what society thinks about this topic now and that it the society is more broadminded now.

Well, please feel free to let me know your opinion. Thank you. Cheers always. =)

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