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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Online Dating Chat Room Etiquette

Like all facets of life, there are conventions of etiquette. Chat rooms are not much different. Chat etiquette ensures that all users will enjoy an effective and fun chatting experience.

While it is understandable and expected that those who are new to chat rooms won't know all the conventions of chat etiquette, you should learn quickly.

One of the major things to remember while chatting is to not hog the chat room. Don't keep sending message after message or one word at a time. Write out a full sentence or a few phrases and wait for replies before continuing.

Remember that typing in all capital letters denotes anger and is the equivalent to yelling. Type as you would if you were writing a letter or an email to a friend.

Address people by using their screen name followed by a colon. If you know someone's real name, don't use it in the chat room. They may not want everyone knowing their real name.

Introduce yourself to the entire chat when you first sign in. Logging in and instantly directing a question to one person is rude.

Don't multitask. If you're in a chat room, chat. Don't watch television, surf the internet or read at the same time. It will be obvious when you ask the same question twice or disappear for a considerable amount of time.

Well, i hope these chat room etiquette has been helpful to you. Please feel free to send in some feedback. Thank you. =)


  1. thanks for the tips.. its will be awareness to many people since they just simply chat with others...now i no how to be safe at the same time nice with our chat friends.. =)

  2. This is interesting.. Thanks for this article!


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