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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to write an Online Dating profile?

Well, if you are thinking about dating online, you should have a good Online Dating profile. You should remember that it is what you write on your profile that will make you shine. Make sure you stand out from the crowd!
  • Take your time: Take your time writing your profile. Make notes about your personality, and jot down your positive attributes, interests, likes, dislikes, before you start to write something out properly.
  • Choosing a username: Your username is the first thing people see about you, so if you're stuck for choosing a username, think about your interests, where you live or who you are. If you like cycling, try keencyclist. If that's taken then you could add your location, NYCkeencyclist, or maybe keen-cyclist, keencyclist2005, etc.
  • Photo Personals: Include a recent photo of yourself. Personal ads accompanied by a photo, will attract more than five times the number of replies.
  • Avoid acronyms and abbreviations: Acronyms and abbreviations are OK in newspaper ads where line space is at a premium. Online, however, you're not restricted. So avoid things like GSOH, SWF, DWM, etc. Why confuse people? If you do have a GSOH (good sense of humour) it would be better to show that in your profile.

    Catch line: Catch line can be tricky to write. If you are having a problem coming up with something why not take a clue from music, poetry or literature? A lyric snippet may express just what you want. But do also check out other member's profiles as well, and see what they use for catch lines.
  • Update Profile Regularly:Keep your profile up to date. Keep changing it a little. Many sites will state when your profile was last updated and allow members to search those by most recently updated. Other members will be more likely to look at your profile.
  • Avoid negativity: Cannot be said enough! Emphasize the positive things about yourself in your profile.


  1. lol..now only i know if wanna play for online dating need create such complete profile..ya..agree as your post.. if really wanna play online dating, sure need complete profile for better trustworthy..somehow some ppl will not think like tis and fill in the fake information..

  2. Waa... It's very detail.. i also think that people nowadays seldom use their real identity when they dating online. Everyone must aware of it lo..

  3. yes grest advise, i use an online dating london based company that do localised dating and my profile is out of date and my user name is somewhat sleazy so i think i'll sign up again and give a more sincere and proffesional face to the world! a girls gotta settle down sooner or later!


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