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Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Know the person you are talking to

Online dating or Internet dating is everywhere. Like most people, you probably can't go a couple of days without hearing or seeing an advert for one of the large online dating companies. Below, are two ways to know about the person you are dating online.

  • Less then Honest Profiles - We all know that people are people no matter where you meet and you can't always spot the dishonest ones. There is no way to know or check if the history, marital status, photos or intent posted online are true and honorable because there is a chance of meeting an unscrupulous person who misinterprets themselves.
  • Body Language and Facial Expressions - One of the ways we connect and feel the chemistry with people is by observing body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. With online dating, the signals are lost and cannot be experienced without meeting in person.

Online dating, just like real world dating, is a challenge and sometimes a scary proposition. Use your head and always remember to play it safe.

Reference resource found at http://ezinearticles.com/, [HTML Online], retrieved 9th February 2009.
URL: http://ezinearticles.com/?Online-Dating---Advantages-and-Disadvantages&id=1896612

1 comment:

  1. online dating is risk somehow....
    i never trust on the relationship through internet because is just like fall in love with the pc or chat room but not a person. insecure and dishonest feeling are strong...
    really need to be wise of partnering anyone for online dating....think twice!


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